16/07/2020 architecture & interior
A tapestry of contemporary brands are adapting handwoven textile traditions for a new aesthetic that softens the starkest of space. As featured in The New Mediterranean, we delve into modern masters perfecting a fuse of tradition with a novel aesthetic.
Read more 24/06/2020 architecture & interior
Between 1995 and 2016, almost 1000 independent bookshops across the UK closed, meaning less than 870 currently exist. Often an industry living on the line, shops had to get creative for customers and introduce lockdown literature. This year's edition of Independent Bookshop Week may feel unusual, but it is perhaps the most noteworthy in modern memory.
Read more 24/06/2020 architecture & interior
A time of groundbreaking design during housing shortages, spellbound by a vision to usher in a new, affordable Modernism architecture began to combat densely packed inner-city. Time travel back in time to a perfectly preserved 1920s Berlin flat that echos the of Bauhaus through its walls.
Read more 19/06/2020 architecture & interior Escape
More than just what you see on the shelves, bookstores have the power to be the pulse of neighborhoods and dictate the discourse of cities. They bring communities together. A place for the young and elderly, curious and creative-where everybody is welcome. Fiona Killackey explores how they cultivate community through Do You Read Me?
Read more 20/05/2020 architecture & interior
A former bank left derelict for decades after the communist revolution, Cărturești Carusel is the bookstore every eight-year-old dreams of growing up, and now a reality for the city of Bucharest. Featured in Do You Read Me?, we look inside this whimsical haven for literature lovers.
Read more 19/05/2020 architecture & interior visual culture
While the resulting spaces are often fantastical in their settings, with a soft, utopian world view, Charlotte Taylor hopes one day to realize her designs. “My work is gradually moving towards actual spaces, blurring the line of what is rendered and what is existing. I envisage the spaces to become inhabitable architecture,” she explains. Walk into her wonderous digital environments and learn about her approach to collaboration.
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